Today's blog post:
I ordered the black ones second from top on the right from Jerry’s Artarama.
I finally just sucked it up and bought frames for the small pieces that I’ve been working on FOREVER. My friend Carol told me about floater frames, but when I looked at them on Dick Blick’s website, I just couldn’t see spending that much money for these pieces. After more days of not being satisfied with any of the solutions I’d come up with, I did a web search and finally decided to buy some from Jerry’s Artarama, not knowing if I’d ordered the correct size or if these linen-covered canvases would even fit the depth. They arrived today, and this is a totally doable solution–for now. What really sold me on these frames–besides the cost–was that they come complete with hardware, everything you need to hang the picture (or whatever). There’s even a video of how to use them. So, once I get these pieces into the frames, I’ll post pictures. This is still a total experiment, but useful information if I want to weave other small pieces.
Totally unrelated to anything, I found this on the counter at Office Depot. Yes, I know they put those things there for people exactly like me who may make an impulse purchase. As one who laments the death of the cloth tape measure that was so easy to tape on a weaving in progress, I couldn’t resist. It is totally useless for weaving, but I liked it. Years ago, I got some really narrow adhesive measuring tape in the fishing department of an outdoors store. I placed it on the beater close to the reed. I had to use two tapes to go across, so I started each of them in the center so that the larger measurements would be on the outer edges. This way you can see the width of the warp in the loom easily. Of course, being slightly OCD-ish personality that I am, I count warp threads anyway. Scotch has a PDF of cute ideas for using their tapes here. You know, things to do in your spare time???
One day, the loom will be used again, after finishing all these small projects in progress. One day. Sigh.
The post Getting there appeared first on Sherri Woodard Coffey.