Today's blog post:
The reception has come and gone, and for one who does not like to make small talk and usually skips out on such events, I had a really good time. My friend Margaret took this picture. The exhibition will be on display through January 2018.
In other news…
Concerning the stay-at-home art retreat, I’ve got a list and a plan. I may not start until after Christmas, because of other concerns. Like all the appointments that have piled up here at the end of the year. (Mammogram today. Yeah!) Like the stopped up bathroom and the clean-out valve that, so far, is undiscovered. I really prefer to not pay a plumber to hunt for it.
After cleaning up the studio enough so that I can walk through it, I started on an ikat piece. It may or may not be about 30 x 30 inches. In a sudden moment of insight, I decided to weave the first section before measuring the second section. That will give me a measurement for how much ikat is needed and a chance to see if I even like the darn thing.
Two things became clear with this current project, though. Mohair singles is not a good yarn to be using for this and those long tied sections are going to be difficult to fit into the dye pot. Oh, well …
The post Gosh, it’s December! appeared first on Sherri Woodard Coffey.