Today's blog post:
Who wants to run away with me?
I really can’t run away, but I am giving a lot of thought of getting rid of some distractions,
creating an art retreat for myself. With that in mind, do you have any suggestions about how to go about that? Maybe we could all create our own art retreat, set a time, and go on retreat together!
What has made me consider running away?
What started this current quest is the advertising of an upcoming program of The Hidden Brain. The blurb mentions J.K. Rowling and how she went to a 5-star hotel to get away from the distractions and finish one of the Harry Potter books. Finally, the blurb goes on to mention how we can’t all go to 5-star hotels, but we can get away from distraction.
A cabin?
In my fantasy, I am in a cabin in the woods, or at least in the country, so that I can go outside and walk around. How can I create that here without the long distance drive? Maybe I can go to the local park and walk the trails, sit in the chairs and observe. Or maybe I could drive farther and hike a close-by trail with sketchbook in hand.
A local runaway?
I could even spend the day in the library, looking at books, watching people, sketching, looking at magazines. There’s a book I’ve been wanting to check out that can be found in one of the museums in town. It might turn out that it needs to live on my bookshelf. I could go to that museum library and peruse other books with my sketchbook in hand.
Maybe I’ll go to my local Barnes and Noble which also has a Starbucks. Lots of people watching.
What are the rules?
There will have to be rules. No checking email or other internet stuff on the phone. That’s number one. What are some other needed rules?
There’s also the possibility of going to one of these places with a specific idea in mind. I’ve got some ideas I’d like to play around with. One of those ideas came from Meg Nakagawa and her Meg Weaves blog.
There are other specific things I have been wanting to do. One of them involves watercolors. I will not be taking those into the bookstore or library! I want no one to see me with those! However, I might consider taking them into the great outdoors.
And then there’s Notan. Hmmm….
Let’s do this!
I plan to listen to the Hidden Brain program and then plan my retreat for after installation of my exhibition. Who wants to join me?
The post Running away or a retreat? appeared first on Sherri Woodard Coffey.