Today's blog post:
After a stomach virus last week, I’m slow to get back to doing anything. Actually, if I’m honest, it’s been that way for a while. No energy. Ideas floating around in my head, but no will to do anything. Frustrating! Instead I’m reading lots of books that are easy-to-read mysteries. In the daytime! I haven’t done that in decades! It’s fun, what can I say?
So, why is there a picture of a carder at the top? Good question. I am now the proud owner of this carder. Why? I’m not sure, but I’ve wanted to do some spinning and dyeing, so this may be the start.
I did find my other ikat book that I mentioned last week. These ikat books are low on color and high on black and white photos. However, this last book gave me a good idea for designing. I’ll say more about that after experimenting. One of those ideas that’s not being implemented–yet.
Now I’m heading to the studio. Yes, I am. Before anything else comes to mind. There’s a clean up to do out there, a loom to warp, yarns to ball up. And another mystery to listen to on the iPod.
By the way, my current state is what we always called the doo wah didlies. Here’s an old song for you, but they have a different meaning of that term.
The post What is there to say? appeared first on Sherri Woodard Coffey.